Canadian Revival Of Hard Preaching, Soul-winning and More!
The New IFB Revival is beginning in Canada! Check out the explosive growth, preaching, and soul-winning of Trinity Baptist Church!
The New IFB Revival is beginning in Canada! Check out the explosive growth, preaching, and soul-winning of Trinity Baptist Church!
The attendence in the main service was 35 with 9 first time visitors, one was from our soulwinning effort this week. 2 others returned who were saved in previous weeks. a record offering,$1,800.
I have never seen anything like it in all the many years of Church planting! Trinity Baptist keeps having record breaking Sundays! Yesterday we were again over 30 in both services with 2 more new converts present which had been saved that week along with a total 13 people that were saved this week.
This one is very important! please allow me to share with you.
“It is A Rare Thing That The King Requireth” Bro. Bill, 18/03/2018 The priestly, wizard class came up empty before the king, despite their toolbox full of religious props. but not to worry, Daniel the man of God
Saturday soulwinning at Trinity Baptist Church Toronto. This is where it’s at! Come and join in on all the fun! 12 people went out, 4 saved! Can’t wait until next Saturday, The Soulwinning Megamarathon! We will copy the pages out of the Book of Acts!
Bro. MacGregor preaches after the Soulwinning Megamarathon, Saturday, March 31, 2018. What was the most Joyful memory in the Apostle John’s eventful life? Surprise!, It is something that you can see happen in your life too!
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